Thursday, April 19, 2007


Our colleague and member of the fiscal committee Abraham Mathai, his wife Elizabeth, and their children Ana and Ruben will be leaving us in May 2007, in order to fix their residence in Mumbai where Abraham will be assuming his new assignment. We wish sucess to Abraham in his new position and his family a pleasant life in Mumbai.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Happenings March 2007

IASP (Indian Association of São paulo) inaugurated itsactivities for 2007 with an outing to Recanto Ville d’Geneve in Jarinú on March 25, 2007. The outing was atteneded by over sixty people including members and non members of the Association. It was very gratifying to note that several new members joined the Association on this day. The occasion was graced by the presence of Mr. S. Swaminathan, Consul General of India and Mrs. Mallika Swaminathan along with their daughter who was visiting Brazil on holidays. The Indian Ambassador in Brazil Mr. H.S. Puri, who was also expected to attend the outing, conveyed his regrets at his inability to attend and transmitted his best wishes for the success of the outing in a short e-mail message. Both Ambassador Puri and CG Swamiathan have offered their full support to the Association.

The outing started with a get aquainted seession followed by a buffet lunch that was quite wholesome and enjoyable. After lunch a good part of the crowd took to the football field while the remining watched the game. It was a nice sunny day that made the outing most enjoyable.

At the General Body Meeting held at the end of the day the financial statement for 2006 was approved andthe calendar of events for 2007 were discussed. It was aired that that a propsal of strategy for the Association for a period of five years should be arrived at through informal discussions among the members of the Association as well as of the community that will be presented to the General Body for appeciation and approval.

Upcoming Events

Major events scheduled for the year are (i) Dinner evening to commemorate the Independance day on Saturday, August 18 2007 and (ii) Grand Scale Dinner and Show event on Saturday Novemebr 10, 2007 to celebrate Diwali. Please block these days in your agenda. You will receive the detailed program in due course.

We are planning informal get together over pizza or snack and drinks at periodic intervals to discuss over the strategy for the Association over the coming five years. A small coordinating committee will collect opinions and formulate a proposal for appreciation of the General Body. Please participate and express your views. First of these gatherings is scheduled for the evening of Saturday May 12 in Moema. The venue will be informed shortly. Please reserve the day and participate.


It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passage of one of our dear brothers in São José dos Campos, Prof. Dr. V. Abdurahiman, Professor of Computer Science at ITA (Instituto Tecnológico da Aeronautica) on April 6, 2007. Our profound sentiments to the bereaved family.